Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Day Late and A Dollar Short.

I can't decide. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that I have accepted this saying as my theme lately?

A day late and a dollar short...

It doesn't matter what I do each day there are at least 20 other things that I didn't do. And this is coming from someone who tries as hard as they can to keep things simple. How do other people do it? How do you busy, productive people stay sane? I have a busy week and it takes me two weeks just to recover. I would ask for all of your specific tips and tricks, but let's be honest, I am not the type of person to follow someone else's routine. Heck, I can hardly follow my own routine. Which is actually no routine. Can a person even do that? Have your daily routine actually be no routine?

And before you all start picturing me watching TV and eating bon bons all day.... I did get garlic planted, harvested some herbs for drying and fluffed up the nesting boxes with other herbs to make the ladies egg laying experience a bit better today. But I did not do the dishes or put away the giant pile of laundry. Plus, we don't have a TV. I also completely forgot to go grocery shopping while I was in town. I must have gotten distracted by my latte....

Annnnyhhooo. Maybe, my mind will clear up once this danged election is over. Are there actually people out there who are actually enjoying this? I mean, beside the celebrity politicians and their bands of groupie's? Have you looked at Facebook lately? It is all out war. Normal people. Where are all the normal people? How did all these crazy people become my friends on Facebook anyways? But, if I start deleting all the crazies I think I would be left with 2.5 friends. And then who would read my blogs? If you happen to be a normal person, stay strong out there. We only have a few more weeks to go until #NoVoteNovember. And if you happen to be one of the crazies... Go take a cold shower and promise yourself that you will not say anything political today. You will thank me later for saving you the embarrassment for at least this one day.

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