Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sunshine and Elm

Lessons learned the hard way number 6487. Never, I repeat NEVER, try to teach an Essential Oil class in your home with your 3 young children. They will be teething or fighting or telling you how to teach your class. 

As you can imagine... This has never happened to me. I was just thinking up random motherhood tips to share... wink.


After learning my lesson, I realized I needed some.... Let's say... Seperation. The little guy laid down for his nap and I escaped outside for a couple hours. Alone. Just me, the cats, the chickens, the dogs and the wood pile. Your definition of being alone changes when you have a farm. I took the chickens down our hill to the "Pond". And that, my friends, was just about as easy as teaching my class. Have you ever tried to get 10 chickens to willingly go somewhere that they have never been? Through gates and around chopping blocks? With a dog who just keep trying to put them back in their house?


Suffice to say I needed a battle I could win. And win I did. One and a half whole hours of that wood pile beating the tar out of me. Elm is prized for it ability to be easily split.... NOT! 

This, is my nemesis. It may have taken about 20 swings on each end and even some on the her side and she still didn't split. Until my husband got home and showed her a thing or two.


Slowly, but surely I filled my cart.... Twice!

And really.... Who needs a gym when you can split wood? I got my workout in for the month and I got to take off my coat in January.


All in all I had a blast. Seriously. There is something about getting outside and working that clears your head. It's grounding and wonderful.

Elm may not be the easiest wood to split, but it was free. And it burns long and hot.... Kinda like my husband... wink.


I should go now. My sleep deprived brain may not be the best judge of what should or should not be said in public.

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